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Nov 29

Yo Yo effect of dieting – its all in your Gut

A research covering the influence of gut microbes on the yo yo effect was released lately
opening a future development that might overcome this effect and allow to over come obesity in which the usual track of dilating end in gaining back and more of the wight loss.

To read more on the research published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature by  Dr. Eran Elinav of the immunology department and Prof. Eran Segal of the computer science and applied mathematics department at Weizmann Institute of Science. IL

To overcome this effect currently Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz of Telv Aviv Medical center can build with you a life changing plan based on here “The Big Breakfast Diet: Eat Big Before 9 a.m. and Lose Big for Life” that  was created by Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz, a clinical professor at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Hospital de Clinicas Caracas in Venezuela.

to set a consultation call *2667 (local Israel) or international +972-3-7712800